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Still unsure about Personal Training or the Services we Offer... See below for comments from some of our Clients:


“Claire is an absolute dream of a Personal Trainer. She makes sure that I have the correct form when performing my exercises.  Her knowledge of nutrition and diet planning is aklso second to none.
Mike White - Personal Training Client​


Extremely knowledgeable and an exceptional PT, I would recommend clients to Claire all day long!.”​
Benedict Mason - Fellow PT


“We have been regularly attend "Keep Fit Circuits" with Claire. Claire gives great motivation and teaching technique to keep pushing you even when it gets tough! ”​
Michelle Newton - Classes Attendee


“ I have been having PT with Claire for 5 weeks and I can honestly say it works. Claire is able to work with a person at their level and gradually build up their strength, fitness and belief in their body. I am so much stronger, toned and confident since doing PT with Claire. ”​
Charlotte Smith-Personal Training Client


I have a heart condition and have to be really careful how I exercise/how much. I choose PT over an exercise class because I need it to be at my pace due to my condition and not feel the pressure to keep up with others in an exercise class. Claire has been able to support me with exercises that not only tone me but ones that wont effect my condition .Gently my fitness levels are increasing which I believe is due to Claire’s clever exercise routines which are designed only for me.”​
Joanne Lane-Personal Training Client


“I Have been doing circuit training for the past few thursdays with Claire and its fab! Loads better than going to the gym :) thanks Claire x.”​

Heather McCann - Circuits Class Attendee


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